ARESTIN® gum treatment is a cutting-edge treatment option for patients suffering from periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease. Prospect Hills Dental, led by Dr. Michelle Torres, is proud to offer this innovative solution for our patients. With a commitment to improving oral health, we utilize ARESTIN to combat gum disease effectively.

What is ARESTIN?

ARESTIN is a prescription antibiotic that targets and eliminates the bacteria responsible for periodontal disease. It is a vital addition to comprehensive periodontal therapy.

Why Choose ARESTIN at Prospect Hills Dental?

  • Personalized Treatment: Our dentist and team tailors ARESTIN treatment plans to meet individual patient needs.
  • Noninvasive: ARESTIN is minimally invasive, reducing discomfort and downtime.
  • Proven Effectiveness: Clinical studies demonstrate ARESTIN’s ability to improve gum health.
  • Long-lasting Results: ARESTIN continues to work for up to 21 days, ensuring lasting benefits.

How Arestin Works

  • Microspheres: ARESTIN is delivered as tiny microspheres containing minocycline, an antibiotic.
  • Targeted Application: Dr. Torres places ARESTIN directly into periodontal pockets, where bacteria thrive.
  • Gradual Release: Over time, ARESTIN is released, eliminating bacteria and reducing inflammation.

Patient Benefits

  • Improved Gum Health: ARESTIN helps reverse the effects of periodontal disease.
  • Painless Treatment: Patients experience minimal discomfort during and after the procedure.
  • Convenience: ARESTIN treatment at our office is a quick and convenient addition to regular dental visits.

Contact Us

To learn more about ARESTIN in San Jose, California, or schedule an appointment, contact 408-446-2200. Choose ARESTIN and take a significant step towards healthier gums and a brighter smile.

Ready to take the first step towards a healthier smile? Call or book your appointment online with us today!

Dr Michelle Torres in San Jose California 408-446-2200

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